Thursday, 1 February 2018

The Bachelor 22 Episode #5 Recap (Spoilers!!!)

Hi guys!
  •  This week Arie and the girls head to Ft. Lauderdale, for some fun in the sun.

 Date #1:
  • Mom Chelsea is chosen to go on a luxury yacht with Ari
  •  She exclaimed, "I'm on a dreamboat, but also with a dreamboat”

 30 Rock GIF
  •  The girls in the house have upped their spy game from last week. They’ve graduated from binoculars to telescopes!
  • Maquel returned! I’ll give her 25 points back, because she didn’t technically leave the show.
  • The date between Arie and Chelsea was relatively boring. She did, however, talk about her past relationship with her sugar daddy, who traded her in for a newer model after she had her baby.
  • They were treated to a private Tenille Townes concert 15 Points

 Date #2:
  • Maquel, Krystal, Becca K, Bekha M, Jenna, Seinne, Kendall, Ashley, Marikh, Jacqueline, and the last Lauren standing, go bowling.  

  • What. The hell. Was THAT!?! This image is going to be in my mind, every time he kisses one of women now.    

 gross vomit GIF
  • In a series of questionable edits, we are made to believe that Arie is awesome at bowling. We all know, it was those old women hanging out at the start, making those strikes.
  •  The girls were divided into two teams. They were told, the winning team would get extra time with Arie
  •  The team Krystal was on won, and she wasn’t a graceful winner.
  •  Arie changed his mind, and decided to invite all the girls to the after-party. And here is where the drama starts. Krystal is yet again our villain 15 Point
  •  Apparently, in the bus on the way back to the hotel Krystal had a temper tantrum and called Arie a lier for changing his mind, and taking everyone.
  • She hid herself in the bathroom complaining that “this is not what she wants in a partner” -15 Points
  •  She emerges in a bathrobe and declares she’s not going to the after-party, and they can tell Arie she thought he was being disrespectful
  • come on eye roll GIF
  • At the party, Arie didn’t even notice her absence. He sat down and said “We’re all here.” Hahahahahaha!!! That was amazing. Eat that Krystal
  • Bekha and Jenna both tattle to Arie about what happened with Krystal on the bus -15 Point each
  • After learning Krystal was upset, Arie went up to the hotel room to talk to her. When he walks in, he asks her “what’s up?” and she says “nothiiiiiiiiiiiiiing…” Nothing? NOTHING?!? Honey, you’re up here in a bathrobe, missing the party. What do you mean nothing
  • Arie coaxes the truth out of her, and she tells him he upset her. Arie is having none of it. He interjects, “It’s just bowling!” -10 Points to Krystal for making the Bachelor angry
  • Arie left her upstairs and returned to his bacheloring
  • Then Krystal decides to put on her face and trot down to the party, to antagonize the other girls. Instead of apologizing for the way she acted, she kept saying that HER feelings were hurt. All the girls were annoyed and ganged up on Krystal, but Lauren, Bekha, and Seinne were the most vocal 10 Points each x4 =40
  • Lauren cried after her argument with Krystal -5 Point
  • Bekha made a joke referring to the wind as Hurricane Krystal -5 Points
  • Krystal left before Arie saw her
  •  Lauren asked Arie to play “21 Question” and proceeded to just ask him 21 questions about himself. That’s not a game, that’s an interview!
  • Lauren got the group date rose 10 Points, and Becca was disappointed about it -10 Points

 Date #3:
  • Tia and Arie go on a pontoon boat ride through the everglades
  •  They see an alligator and Arie says, “This reminds me that love can be dangerous.”

 Judge Judy Whatever GIF
  •  They talk about frogging with an everglades man named Gerald, and eat the deep fried corn that Gerald served up.
  •  Tia talked about how good it feels to have graduated medical school and to be called Doctor Tia -10 Points
  •  Tia told Arie she was falling in love with him.
  • She cried while waxing poetically about her growing feelings -2 Points

Cocktail Party:
  •  Kendall asks if she can “steal Arie away” 5 Points
  •  They were having a chilled, casual conversation when she asked Arie if he'd considered tying cannibalism. She says if given the opportunity, she’d try human meat.
  • Wedding Photographer GIF
  •  Krystal announces to the other girls that she doesn’t want to be ganged up on, but instead would talk to anyone individually, if they had something to say. Divide and conquer! Good plan!
  •  Kendall is the first to pull Krystal aside. Is she going to eat her? No, but they do get in an argument. 10 Points Each
  •  Later Bekha and Krystal get into it 10 Points Each
  •  Krystal says she was not hiding in her room, she was investing in herself. Riiiiight...
  •  Her and Arie get into another little spat -10 Points
  • Arie tells her she needs to be thoughtful with some of her actions.
  •  Krystal seems to have taken a page out of Annaliese’s book and blamed it on childhood trauma. So you’re mom worked in a bowling alley and had crappy boyfriends, and that entitles you to be rude to your frenemies, and hide in your room like a sook? I’m not buying it.
  •  Neither is Arie. He tells her “You think this is hard, after this is twice as hard. I need someone I can count on.” Amen!
  •  In an attempt to suck up, she says “Our first fight….” To which Arie replied “It could be our last.” Zing!!! Go Arie!
  •  Later Arie has a chat with Chris Harrison. Arie voices his issues with Krystal, and Chris says “But you’ve had great times with her.” Shut up, Chris! Let her go!
  •  Marikh(who cried as she left -2 Points), Ashley (who the flip is Ashley?) and Maquel (who JUST came back from her grandfather’s funeral) were eliminated.
  • But of course, Krystal is a ratings booster, and so Krystal was kept


·         Kendall: 5+10=15
·         Seinne: 10
·         Lauren: 10+10-2=18
·         Bekha: 10+10-5-15=0
·         Krystal: 10+10+10+15-10-10-15=10
·         Chelsea: 15
·         Marikh: -2
·         Tia: -2-10=-12
·         Jenna: -15
·         Becca: -10
Maquel: 25

Bachelorette 14 Episode #3 Recap (Spoilers!!!)

Before I begin, have you all been following the controversy with Garrett o...