Hey guys,
Let’s get right to this week’s recap!
Date #1:
· Becca K. received the first one-on-one date of the season, and left the mansion with Arie, on a motorcycle.
· Annalise voiced her concern, because motorcycles are dangerous. Lol!
· Whoo! Was this ever a good date to be chosen for! Becca is one lucky girl, because Arie (aka ABC) showered her with expensive gifts. She got a rack full of dresses from celebrity stylist/designer Rachel Zoe; sparkly Louboutin shoes; Neil Lane jewelry; the whole shebang!
· Cruelly, Becca was made to walk through the mansion, in front of the other women, toting her new wardrobe. This, of course, stirred up jealousy amongst the other women.
Meanwhile, the producers are like…
· During supper, Becca opening up about her father passing from brain cancer 10 Points
· Becca told Arie she was interested in him because she “was told he could fix the breaks on {her} car” Haha! Priorities!
· They ended the night kissing in a glitter shower
https://imgflip.com/i/pr9vq |
Date #2:
· There was a knock on the door, for the delivery of the date card, and Bibiana said “Honestly, that sounds like the haunting” Lol! She’s fantastic! I think I can count on her for the best sound bites this season.
· Krystal gets the second one-on-one date. I’m just going to lay this out there. I CAN’T STAND HER! She seems so fake!! Ugh, when she sees Arie and does her trying-too-hard-to-be-cutesy “Hiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeee!” Barf!
· He took her to his hometown to meet his parents, and they really liked her (terrible judge of character! She’s awful!) 20 Points
· They watched old home movies of Arie, which made Arie cringe so hard he couldn’t watch. Haha! It was adorable.
· At supper, Krystal opened up about her hard life. Her father left them, her mother was emotionally unavailable, and her brother is now living on the streets. And dang it, now I feel bad for her...sort of… Her sob story still doesn’t squash my irrational loathing of her, though.
· She cried while discussing her brother’s situation. -2 Points
· They get a private concert by Connor Duermit 15 Points
Date #3:
· This date was huge, with 15 girls in attendance! Maquel, Marikh, Tia, Valerie, Annalise, Lauren G, Kendall, Bekha, Jenny, Sienne, Jenna, Caroline, Brittany, Bibiana, and Chelsea all participated in the “Bashelor” demolition derby.
· The guy, instructing the girls, told them “ You don’t want to kill the barrels. You want to miss the barrels.” Cut to footage of multiple cars not just hitting the barrels, but all out driving over them.
· Sassy Chris Harrison decided to give Arie a hard time by saying “Could this be the first time Arie actually wins something on a racetrack?” ZING!
· Annalise had a complete meltdown. She apparently had a traumatic experience with bumper cars when she was little, and now she’s having flashbacks.
· She cried on two separate occasions. Once when she was with the other girls, and once while doing an interview -2 x2=-4 Points
· First the motorcycle thing and now this? She does know she’s competing to MARRY a RACECAR DRIVER, right? If she’s that nervous now, how is she going to keep it together when he has an actual race?
· But it paid off in the end, because Arie rewarded her with extra time, for being a sook.
· Jenny was not too impressed. She snarked that she “didn’t know bumper car trauma was a thing”
· Sienne won the derby. She also got the group date rose 10 Points
· At the evening portion, Bibiana got pissed off because it was nearing the end of the night and she hadn’t had a chance to speak to Arie. She stormed off to the bathroom to avoid the cameras -15 Points
Cocktail Party:
· Brittany had her boobs on full display tonight. But not to be outdone, Caroline had her freaking boobs/sternum/naval out. Where was the rest of her dress?
· Kendall introduced her stuffed seal to Arie.
· Jenna interrupted Caroline; Kendall interrupted Lauren B; and Krystal interrupted both Lauren B, and Bibiana (which didn’t go over too well) 5 Points Each (20)
· Kendall said “steal him away” once 5 Points and Chelsea said it twice 5x2=10 Points
· Speaking of Krystal interrupting, she ruffled some feathers when she pulled Arie aside TWICE when she already had a rose. She quickly became the villain of the episode 15 Points
· Bibiana gave her a piece of her mind, and the two got in a heated argument 10 Points each
· Bibiana told her, “Learn to speak to me like a human being, and not with a fake tone. Because I’m not going to fall for this lalalalala. You have to be kidding me. You need to check yourself before you check on anyone else.”
https://giphy.com/gifs/the-office-thank-you-michael-scott-1Z02vuppxP1Pa |
· Jenny, Lauren G and Valerie were eliminated
· Jenny stormed out without saying goodbye. Arie chased her to smooth things over. She pretty much told him she’ll miss the friends she made in the house, more than she’ll miss him. She still cried though -2 Points She couldn’t believe Arie kept a taxidermist over her.
Krystal: 5+5+10+15+20+15-2=68
Jenna: 5
Kendall: 5+5=10
Chelsea: 5+5=10
Bibiana: 10-15=-5
Becca: 10
Seinne: 10
Annalise: -4
Jenny: -2